Well here's a couple of sketches of some heavy set characters. These drawings were done fairly fast and loose with a polychromos blue pencil. You might see some of my influences in the drawings although I didn't intentionally try to ape a particular style. A lot of times when developing a character, I may focus on body shape and body attitude over the basic head features, but in this case, I focused more on the facial expressions in both sets.

Mr. Mitchell,
I love this character.He is appealing from all angles.He reminds me of Roy Williams.Whos the other guy?How about doing a sheet on him?
Mr Mitchell,
l love this character.He is appealing from all angles.Reminds me of Roy Williams. And the cartoon of your self is wonderful!Something out of Lady and the Tramp.Very John Lounsbery who was always one of my favorites.
Hey Tony,
It's funny how all these influences come out through a couple of drawings. I just love John Lounsbery's work as well as Kimball, Kahl, Johnston, Sibley and King. Lounsbery had a great flow to his lines.
As far as these drawings go, I wasn't thinking of Roy Williams at all, however I find it kind of funny that I have an original Mickey drawing of his, which was perched right over my right shoulder as I was doing these sketches.
Am I subconsciously channeling the Big Mooseketeer? Hmmmmmm.....
Anyone else think the guy in the upper left corner of the first page looks like Adam Sandler?
I think Adam Sandler is a pretty funny guy, but sadly, he wasn't on my mind when doing these sketches.
However, I see what you're talkin' about here.....he does kinda look like him in that first drawing.
Thanks Brian for sharing! It's very very inspiring! Keep posting!
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